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ShnUpdate - Tzuf 01.07.21

June has come and gone and the weeks here on Shnat are truly flying by. We spent the past weekend in Tel Aviv, joining a hundred thousand others at pride on Friday. Compared to Jerusalem Pride which we attended a few weeks ago and felt like a political march, Tel Aviv pride was a pure celebration along the beach with loud music, people singing and dancing, glitter everywhere and flags on every lamppost in sight. We spent Saturday relaxing on the beach and attempting to even out t-shirt tans before travelling back to the kiryah that evening in preparation for a busy week of classes.

This weeks Laomek classes included interesting conversations, beautiful views and the best hummus we’ve had on shnat so far. On Monday we met with Mohammed Zoabi, who spoke to us about life as a gay Arab living in Tel Aviv and his experiences with coming out and his family’s reaction. On Wednesday, in ’Art and Culture in Tel Aviv’ we explored the Carmel Market and learnt about traditional foods, and in the hiking group they enjoyed the afternoon in the natural pools by the Dead Sea.

During Tuesday’s Yom Tnua (movement day) we each gave a 10 minute TED talk about our passions. They ranged from protest music to reproductive rights to why we should all watch Ghaim’s favourite anime, Attack on Titan. It was a really nice opportunity to share and learn about what we each care about and I’m sure we could have all talked for much longer if we’d had the time. We then heard from the legendary Michael Livni about Reform Zionism, specifically in a youth movement context. He gave us some suggestions for answering common questions that often arise and we are all looking forward to his next session about Tikkun Olum.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little glimpse in to what we’ve been up to recently and Shabbat shalom.

Elisheva Landau-Pope, RSY-Netzer



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