ShnUpdate- Shnat Tzuf- 30.9.21
Weekly update by Ghaim Atash- Netzer South Africa Last week Wednesday, the SA and Aussie Netzer shnatties, along with our friends from...

ShnUpdate- Tzuf South- 23.9.21
Weekly update by Lola Gunn, Netzer Australia This week has been one of tzufs’ favourite weeks so far, we branched out of Kibbutz Harduf...

ShnUpdate- Tzuf South- 17.9.21
Weekly update by Emma Brooking, Netzer South Africa This week was once again a short week because of Yom Kippur. Sunday we once again...

ShnUpdate- Tzuf 2.9.21
Weekly update by Ghaim Atash from South-Africa and Ariella Opat from Australia The first half of this week the Australians spent our time...