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ShnUpdate - Savyon 22.02.18

The week began with us returning from our kvutza seminar near sde boker. We arrived back at the etgar flat and immediately started settling in and unpacking all of our things from our seminar away, we were also greeted to lots of groceries that had been bought by our lovely tsevet.

Friday was a day for us to relax and explore with some people walking up to the shuk and exploring everything on offer in the pre-Shabbat chaos. Others went to a local shul; kol haneshama. People then regrouped for a lovely Shabbat meal made by our guest from England Jess baker.

Saturday helped us relax, most people slept in, but a group of people walked to a nearby cinema to see black panther

Sunday began our first full day of etgar with the morning beginning with chocolate run by your lovely week leader jess followed by the start to Hebrew lessons, which helped us enrich our Hebrew vocabulary. The rest of the day we spent having asephot and deciding how we want our etgar to run. The day ended with a kahoot quiz for the group and a screening of one of our favorite movies, the bee movie.

Monday we had a great session run by jack and Michael in which we had to travel across Jerusalem taking photos in a scavenger hunt. The rest of the day we learnt about hadracha and Zionist movements with all new educator that we were excited to meet

Tuesday we spent having sessions from our very own madricha leora and the amazing ben chrome

Finally Wednesday we were introduced to are chavru-time where we get to study in pairs a subject of our choice over the whole of our time on etgar. We also had an enlightening session on political views and looking at other view points than our own. We finished of the day with the co-op store where we will volunteer and buy our food.


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