ShnUpdate - Savyon 20.09.18
We are now in a weird kind of limbo in between holidays - Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur have passed, but Sukkot and Simchat Torah are just...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 13.09.18
Shana tova to all!! This week, our kvutzah spent all of two days together as a result of the absolute balagan that is the month of Tishri...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 06.09.18
This past week has been quite different compared to previous weeks of Shnat, as we as a kvutzah could not be more thrilled to be...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 30.08.18
We are starting to get into the rhythm of Haifa - the port, the mountain, the beach, the buses, and those really loud trucks that come...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 23.08.18
This week I believe is the true beginning of our time in Haifa, we've all set off for the first part of our program that we undertake...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 15.08.18
The beginning of Haifa takes us all the way back to our first opening seminar in Jerusalem. Exciting new sceneries, different faces and...